Got it, thanks for the extra detail Simon. I see you're mapping in the area
too. Thanks for your help improving the area.

On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 1:09 PM, Simon Poole <> wrote:

> The street in question is Stevens Boulevard
> map=17/41.64710/-81.42325 it seems that there is an issue mainly with
> trucks and speeding, seems like a  classical rat run.
> There seems to be a "no trucks" restriction and potentially lower max
> speed on the road itself (none of which is mapped in OSM), but the input
> from the concerned people is rather sketchy (I'll be adding what I've been
> able to extract in a couple of minutes). Obviously we are under no
> obligation to remove the street, nor would that make any sense at all, but
> we can still try and help the people living there.
> And yes both the DWG and the LWG regularly receive a small number of
> complaints of a similar nature, so it is nothing particularly special
> outside of the missing data.
> Simon
> Am 03.12.2017 um 18:22 schrieb Ian Dees:
> On Sun, Dec 3, 2017 at 11:17 AM, Walter Nordmann <> wrote:
>> to be more concrete: ask the author of the starting post. i don't know
>> anything about that area.
>> regards
>> walter
>> btw: getting every post twice, strange.
> Got it. I did ask Simon, but you replied so I thought you were answering
> for him. I'll wait for Simon's reply.
> Thanks!
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