It's a busy time for new national bicycle routes in the USA's USBRS!  To help 
OSM "get ahead of the curve" of May's AASHTO ballot, several USBR applications 
by state DOTs have been made available, allowing OSM to enter these 
state-at-a-time national bicycle route data.  Currently

a USBR 35 realignment in Michigan,
USBR 50 in Nevada,
USBR 66 in Missouri and
USBR 221 and USBR 421 re-numberings

are Spring 2018 ballot items which have been completed or need no additional 
work in OSM, while

USBR 15 in Georgia and
USBR 36 in Pennsylvania

have been "seeded" as route relations at termini, yet still need to be fully 
entered into OSM.  Please visit our wiki for links to 
the route data ballots (OSM-US has explicit permission to enter these).

USBRs 21 and 25 in Ohio, while "rumored" to be on this semi-annual ballot, do 
not have what OSM considers as route data from ODOT suitable to meet OSM's 
"high bar standard" sufficient to enter into OSM.  When/as these data become 
available (likely as an AASHTO application), the project will endeavor to make 
these data more widely available.

So if you're in Georgia or Pennsylvania (or even if not!) and want to help 
build Earth's largest official cycling route network, check it out and have fun!

USBRS in OSM guy (among other hats I wear)
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