When I looked at the problem of un-reviewed roads in Washington State, I
considered two approaches. First, use a Tasking Manager to break the state
into smaller chunks. Looking at the map of the US, Washington State doesn't
seem all that large. But when you get into breaking the state into 1 mile
squares, you'd need over 70,000 tiles to check. The second approach, one
one I ended up using is to use Maproulette to check just TIGER roads
imported that haven't been touched since. There was still 30,000 ways in
the second group. Note - I didn't look at tiger:reviewed=no since most
people, including me, often forget to either change it to yes or just
delete the tag. I think we should just delete the tag like JOSM currently

The clean up effort is still ongoing.

I have personally cleaned up a handful of counties which seems quicker but
that approach doesn't have any backup measures. Backup measures like,
keeping roads in the database until someone checks that they have fixed it
or it wasn't a problem. I like the systematic approach that Maproulette

MR3 has a feature that I really like. One of regularly editors in Eastern
Washington wanted to look at just roads around him. MR3 as I understand,
can do that.

Now if some company with large amounts of gpx traces were to give us a
point cloud of gpx points, we could quickly start cleaning up these rural
roads. Hint - Hint - Telenav.

As a interesting bit of information, only one way is left untouched in King
County from the original import - and it looks good.

Martijn - I'm not sure I really answered your query. Let me know if you
need more.


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