I'm kind of in a crunch at work, so my time is quite limited at the moment.
Moreover, I'm in the Capital Region, not down near Binghamton, so I don't
anticipate having any opportunity to survey this in the field in the near
future, unless the occasion arises for me to visit my brother in the upper
Delaware valley.

Nevertheless, if nobody else steps forward, I'm willing to do what I can.
If your DOT contact can provide us with plats of the current and proposed
changes (and the required permission to trace and/or import, of course!) I
can try to transcribe the data into OSM.  It would be a major plus if the
plats are georeferenced so I don't have to do the comparison with
orthophotos myself.. I can take pretty much any datum that the state and
county governments use around here - State Plane Coordinates (NAD27) and
UTM zone 18N (NAD83) are what I most often find, but I run into the
occasional oddball. Even just having state plane grid ticks in the corners
of a plan is a major plus for tracing.

Is the interchange in question the I-86/NY17/I-81/US11 mess? If so, I can
see that it's damaged in OSM - several segments of the I-81 flyover are
just plain missing. (If they reflect a bridge that's out, there's no
indication in OSM of how the traffic is routed around it.) I can see where
DOT would have a problem with how the data appear currently.

I'm not on Slack very much. It's blocked in my workplace, and when I have
the time and inclination to do mapping at home, I'm pretty focused on the
JOSM window.

(And this message reminds me - time to work on updating the public lands
imports; the hiking season is starting up, which is when the park and
forest boundaries start becoming interesting.)


On Fri, May 18, 2018, 9:09 AM Bryan Housel <br...@7thposition.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the heads up Andy!
> Of the top of my head, I consider Russ Nelson, Kevin Kenny, Richard Welty
> are all power users in NY State (though maybe not the Binghamton area) and
> would be great for this.
> I will share your message on Slack too.
> Bryan
> > On May 18, 2018, at 6:57 AM, Andy Townsend <ajt1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > The Data Working Group has recently received an email from someone at
> dot.ny.gov, saying that there's a general problem with satnav directions
> following changes to this interchange:
> >
> > https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/42.11451/-75.90885
> >
> > Essentially, it's in the process of being changed and there will be
> temporary reconfigurations during construction until the final layout is
> achieved.  Also, what's currently in OSM (which seems to be mostly a few
> years old) isn't up to date.  I've explained that OSM is created by
> volunteers and linked to https://www.openstreetmap.org/about etc. to
> provide a bit more background.
> >
> > What they've asked for is a contact within OSM who they can work with to
> ensure that the data is updated to be correct as of now, and changed as and
> when future changes occur.
> >
> > Obviously it makes sense for the person doing this to be at least on the
> same continent, so I'm asking for a volunteer here.  Email me via
> ajt1...@gmail.com and I'll pass the details on.  Also, if anyone can
> think of anyone who might want to do it and might not be reading talk-us,
> please pass the message on to them too.
> >
> > Best Regards,
> >
> > Andy Townsend, on behalf of OSM's Data Working Group.
> >
> >
> >
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