For those of us who have our own Waylens, what's the best way to collect
imagery for OSC?  I haven't been able to get an answer out of Telenav or
Waylens support (even an autoresponse acknowledging that they got the

On Thu, Jun 14, 2018, 12:13 Martijn van Exel <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> You may have seen that OSM US has started a camera lending program in
> partnership with Telenav[1]. You can borrow a camera for up to 3 months to
> capture street level imagery while driving. The camera uploads the imagery
> to OpenStreetCam automatically.
> When we introduced the program, we offered an additional perk: if you
> collect more than 400,000 OSC points using the camera while you have it,
> the camera would be yours to keep.
> Well, we are only a few weeks in and we underestimated the amount of
> driving mappers will do to collect OSC points :) To make sure that the
> program is sustainable, and we don't run out of cameras altogether, we are
> raising the point amount needed to keep the camera to 1,000,000. This
> amount should still be attainable within 3 months, but it will also allow
> us to have more people enjoy this benefit of OSM US membership :)
> The new limit will apply to any new applicants, and anyone who has applied
> but has not been sent a camera yet.
> Oh, if you're not a member of OSM US yet, this is one of the great reasons
> to join. Do so here today:
> Thanks!
> [1]
> --
>   Martijn van Exel
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