
I'm CCing the general talk-us on this, since National Forests are outside
of the separate from the National Park Service, and there may be someone
there who can provide more guidance.

In this particular case the Pocosin Wilderness Area is managed by the
Forest Service (part of the US Dept of Agriculture), although "wilderness
areas" can be managed by a number of groups within the federal government.

If you're using data from state governments, you will need to look at the
licensing restrictions, because many states do not release their data into
public domain. US Federal government datasets are mandated to be in the
public domain, so there are no issues using them for OpenStreetMap.

Since this National Forest and Wildlife area are not units of the National
Park System, you will not find them in the dataset. It looks
like your best source of data for this will be the PDF that you linked: --
Although it doesn't appear that the PDF is geo-enabled.

I was able to find the boundary in the dataset named "Administrative Forest
That may be another good source.

I would also suggest overlaying the boundaries and making tweaks to the
existing OSM boundary instead of importing the new boundary and deleting
the old. That would allow existing points in the database to maintain their

I'm hoping someone from the general talk-us group can provide more input on
this. Best of luck!

Jim McAndrew

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 9:39 AM Nicolas Duclos <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’m new in OSM Community and after a short trip on East Coast of North
> Carolina, I decided to help making NC more accurate than it is right now.
> I’m currently trying to edit or remake the Croatan National Forest, but
> I’m not too sure how to achieve it by importing data. Currently for some
> reasons there is two Croatan National Forest at the same place and the
> shape is not really accurate compared to other maps out there.
> Here is what I found :
> Not too sure about the proclamation area on the map and what’s the
> difference between national forest and wilderness.
> I could also create trails and outdoor activities spot in OSM.
> Data :
> (type *marea*
> in search box)
> or
> Not too sure which data to take or how they works.
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Nic from Canada 😊
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