So many conversations at once; this list-digest medium proves limiting at 
times, even often.

Helpful old-fashioned aids here might be sketch boards where small-group (two, 
three people?) sub-projects can spin out and a main thread group where someone 
explains what s/he sees going on and how we might all get on the same page, 
making (actually or the equivalent of) a two- or three-page (at most?) wiki / 
OSM structure with two or three graphics of stacks of things, where this stack 
differs from that stack, where technical boundaries make divergences among 
real-world data consumers and a shortest path to "let's help each other out to 
learn how to make this very difficult bubble gum chewable by everybody around 
here who needs to."  Yes, that's a rather tall order yet we can get there.  
Otherwise I might conclude we have some communication difficulties we'll need 
to solve sooner.  We have pieces of this scattered among us in stovepipes.  
That's all, it isn't terrible, it is solvable.

OSM stacks and data consumers (especially over time, years, as projects evolve, 
needs change, specification revise, tagging syntax meets renderer and "changing 
taste among data consumers is both well anticipated and poorly anticipated."  
These are highly complex. the system is a global mapping project among millions 
of us for billions of us, it is largely volunteer and partly "on a shoestring 
and even amongst ourselves we don't always share data and process in our 
stovepipes without a certain reticence .  There is such a thing as intellectual 
property, trade secrets and what we are talking about doing, process 
improvement, pays truly huge dividends for our future.

Let's be the best project we can be.  We're a lot of very smart people.  We can 
solve in weeks or months or a year what it might have taken us ten years (or 
15) to get to "about here."  I'd say we're doing fine, even as we do have some 
climbing ahead.  OK, I'm fine with that.  I'm being a bit rough and fast here, 
no doubt this will morph.  Good.

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