On 2018.09.06. 02:06, Eric H. Christensen wrote:
> I recently finished an update to the evacuation routes feature[0], turning it 
> into a relation (route).  I'll be working on adding hurricane evacuation 
> routes to areas I'm familiar with (Maryland, Hampton Roads area of Virginia, 
> and Northeast North Carolina) but I encourage others to add evacuation routes 
> to their local areas as well.

That page says "Cycle routes or bicycle route are named or numbered or
otherwise signed routes. May go along roads, trails or dedicated cycle

Is that correct?

> Currently, JOSM doesn't recognize this route type and I don't think they're 
> being rendered on any third-party software but I'm hoping once enough data is 
> in the system we'll be able to show a reason for rendering such information.
> Thanks,
> Sparks
> [0] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:route%3Devacuation

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