A lot of people have (quickly) chimed in about this; political boundaries, 
admin_level and cities extending into counties usually gets to be a "hot" topic 
as people have a lot to say or strong opinions on these.

I and others recognized this years ago and what has emerged in OSM are two 
wikis, one on admin_level in the US, the other on "boundaries."  The former is 
quite comprehensive, perhaps it could be called "prescriptive" (here is how we 
SHOULD tag) and almost begins to approach a master's thesis in political 
science.  (OK, I exaggerate a bit).  The latter is more "novice-oriented," has 
user-friendly graphics and is what might called "quick and easy," it is 
certainly more "descriptive" (here is how we DO tag).  Both wikis have "settled 
down" in the last six to eight months, affording us some stability for 
reflection.  I think the many authors of these like where they have "landed," 
and the community doesn't seem to be changing them or discussing them as if 
they need (much) further change.

These are, respectively:


They both point to each other.  The first one has extensive footnotes.  The 
"Consolidated city-counties, Independent cities" section mentions that Dallas, 
Texas even extends over FIVE counties, and links (click on "hundreds of US 
cities") to wikipedia article 
that further explains this.

We have patient, open-minded and dedicated-to-getting-it-right wiki authors in 
this project who create and update comprehensive and friendly wiki.  Thank you 
to all of them.  I know my OSM experience would not be anywhere near as rich if 
I didn't have so much excellent wiki to read.

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