I am in the process of talking to my local city GIS office about
importing their fire hydrant dataset. I will then (probably) expand to
the other municipalities in my area, and then stop there.

One of their concerns is keeping the data on OSM up to date.

I'll be talking to them on Friday, November 16th, 2018.

Tags that are user visible on their arcgis application and probable
relevant tags in OSM:
Hydrant Number => ref
Test Date => check_date, operational_status:date, or survey:date
Pressure - Static/Residual => fire_hydrant:pressure (maybe add a new
tags for difference in static/residual pressures?)
Flow Rate => flow_rate (probably), possibly use fire:hydrant:awwa_class
Flow at 20 PSI => No tagging scheme for this yet. Maybe add a new tag
for that, like flow_rate:<PSI>?
Model Number => model (maybe add manufacturer as well)
Owner => operator (probably change CITY to "City of Grand Junction, CO"
or similar)
Route Number => I have no clue what this is for

Tags that I intend to add either manually or through using the model
wrench, cap:wrench (currently under discussion on OpenStreetMap wiki)

Advantages of an import:
Data comes from an official source and is unlikely to be outdated
I don't have to map every fire hydrant manually

Disadvantages of an import
May conflict with some of my fire hydrant edits.
Assumption that the dataset is complete (it isn't, but it is close)

When running the import, I intend to do the following:
1) Do a download via overpass of fire hydrants
2) Using hydrants that I know exist in their dataset and OSM, write a
validation rule to ensure that no two hydrants are closer than 10
feet/3 meters (assuming it is possible to do that using
validator.mapcss rules)
3) Write validation rules to automagically add additional information
to the fire hydrants, based off of spec sheets

Somewhere in there, mess around with osmsync in order to enable easier
updating of the data.

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