> > I've noticed that federal Wilderness areas in Northern California and
> > Southern Oregon are mapped as if they are not part of the surrounding
> > national forest(s).
> >
> > Is this correct mapping? On older USGS maps the Wilderness areas were
> > always shown as being enclosed by the surrounding National Forest (or
> > other Federal lands).

*"The Wilderness Act of 1964 allows Congress to designate wilderness areas
to ensure that America’s pristine wild lands will not disappear. Wilderness
areas can be part of national parks, national wildlife refuges, national
forests or public lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management."* from

*"Lands designated as Wilderness are found on portions of the lands
administered by Bureau of Land Management, Fish and Wildlife Service,
Forest Service, and National Park Service." *

The Bob Marshall Wilderness is one of the three wilderness areas composing
the BMWC ( the Great Bear, the Scapegoat, and  Bob Marshall Wilderness
Complex) . It is has 1,063,503 acres on both the Flathead National Forest
and the Lewis and Clark National Forest.The Cedar Mountain Wilderness Area
in Utah has U.S. Department of Defense lands for communications,
instrumentation, and electronic tracking systems for the Utah Test and
Training Range.  Mission Mountains Wilderness is bordered by the Salish-
Kootenai tribal wilderness - I think there was one wilderness area which
ended up crossing tribal lands somewhere. There are state and tribal
wilderness areas. DOE is the fourth largest federal land manage, I'm sure
they might have some holding in Wilderness Areas, I know of Hanford Reach
National Monument.

Then you have Wilderness Study Areas. And there are thousands of in
holdings, edge holdings, and cherry stem holdings where private, state, and
tribal lands fall withing the Wilderness designated boundary. BLM says of
the 418 units of designated wilderness in the 13 Western states, 111, or 27
percent, have in holdings.Nationwide there are  45 million acres of
inholdings, an area larger than the State of Washington.

So the Designation boundary is not necessarily the ownership boundary or
the management boundary.

Michael Patrick
Data Ferret
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