Hi everyone,
Joe Caruso and I have been planning three imports in Raleigh, North
Carolina from open data sources, and would like to start them some
time soon.


Import #1: Wake County missing buildings import
Ten years ago, James Umbanhowar imported all large buildings (not including
many small sheds and similar) in Raleigh, NC.  Many new developments have
been built since, and there are currently 35,000 buildings not in OSM.
Using the JOSM validator (which finds and lets you select overlapping
buildings), I have created a file with only missing buildings.

Number of buildings: 35,000
Link to data:
Wiki page:
License for data: Public Domain


Import #2: Triangle area bus stop import (Will only start AFTER the first
import is complete).
This import will be very manual, to ensure high data quality and clean
conflation.  The data source will likely be
but only if we can verify the license.  Otherwise, we will use data from
Durham Open Data, which is licensed under the ODbL.

Number of points: ~2000
Link to transformed data:
Wiki page: https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Research_Triangle_NC_Transit_Import
License for data: Custom or ODbL, depending on how open "Custom" is.


Import #3: Wake County address import (Will only start AFTER the first two
imports are complete).
This import will add every missing address in Wake County, and will be done
with a tasking manager project and manual merging of data with existing
buildings & POIs.  Only one address point will be imported for each
address, meaning that no imported addresses will contain the tag
"addr:unit".  The import will have a very similar workflow to the Durham
County address import.

Number of points: 443,381
Link to data source:
Wiki page:
License for data: Public Domain


These imports will not happen all at once, but rather be worked on one at a
time.  This way, fewer mistakes will be made.
Please let me know if everything is not perfect.
Leif Rasmussen
Talk-us mailing list

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