I have burnished this wiki to attempt to be comprehensive with Public Lands at 
federal, state, and county levels (even a bit city-, though here we blur with 
leisure=park).  Much of what is here mimics 
 United States' row, though much more comprehensively:  i.e. the Public Lands 
wiki doesn't include simply a number-value for the protect_class key, it tries 
to describe ALL of the tags Public Lands should receive in the USA.

It is quite likely I've missed some federal-level (some "park-like," some 
likely not) Public Lands, though it's also possible all are listed.  If you 
have comprehensive knowledge of the many categories of (federal, especially) 
Public Lands, please take a look at this wiki and see if it is or isn't 
comprehensive / complete.  You might also agree or disagree with the tagging 
schemes that are there, feel free to edit them if you disagree, they are sort 
of "wet ink."

Thank you,
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