ZIP Codes (US Postal Service codes) are not administrative boundaries.
They are widely used for addressing, for routing and for deliveries by
private companies in addition to the USPS, but they are not used for
any official administrative purposes, at least not in the States where
I have lived.

On 9/7/19, Mateusz Konieczny <> wrote:
> 6 Sep 2019, 22:10 by
>> I slightly disagree with Mateusz that we "reflect local postal"
>> boundaries, as we don't do that in the USA with ZIP codes:  they are
>> routing algorithms, not actual areas definable by a (multi)polygon.
> Note that I was asking whatever it is
> actually administrative boundary
> (Postal codes are not forming
> administrative boundaries in Poland,
> not sure is it different in USA)

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