> The consensus of those who replied seem to be to exclude these privately
held lands from the National Forest boundaries.

It isn't just privately held lands. U.S. DoD has numerous inholdings ( DOD
owns 11.4 million acres in the United States, with individual parcel
ownership ranging from 0 acres owned to 2.3 million acres  ), FAA for nav
aids, I believe there are also instances of tribal lands ( Bureau of Indian
Affairs (BIA), the U.S. holds approximately 56.2 million acres in trust for
various Indian tribes and individuals.  ). For instance, the Department of
Energy ( 'Better Bombs for a Better Way of Life' ) ... " DOE is the fourth
largest federal land manager, conducting its mission at 50 major sites on
2.4 million acres across the country."

And size is no determination of importance, because the 'rules' are
dramatically different for different agencies and departments. Some of
these provide access, The Magruder Corridor easement is basically the width
of the track, between two wilderness areas, similarly various boat landing
on lakes etc. Other very small areas, which have VERY nice gravel roads
leading to them, will result in an armed response. "There have been 12
Minuteman missile sites constructed on the ( Pawnee, Forest Service ) )
grassland. These fenced areas (approximately two acres each) are  US Air
Force and public access is not permitted."

Michael Patrick
Data Ferret
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