Be cautious using TIGER data in rural areas. I suspect many of the small
counties don't have the resources to send updates to Census. I'd recommend
looking at county and state data sources for accurate road names.


On Sun, Jun 21, 2020 at 6:29 AM <> wrote:

> Newby here.
> Started mapping an area of the Idaho panhandle around the Kootenai
> river. I notice that currently minor roads have a "County Road nn" name
> but TIGER2019 data also has names such as "Acacia Avenue". I think most
> map users would want to use the "Acacia Avenue" name as it what would be
> listed in postal addresses and they'd want to search it in applications
> such as OSMand. Question is how to handle this. Also, what to set the
> "ref" to for county roads.
> There's not much information on the roads tagging page:
> Proposal: use alt_name for "County Road nn" and name for "Acacia Avenue"
> where a name is given. (I've seen name_1 used but this is not really a
> "standard" OSM tag, AFAIK.)
> For ref: set the ref to the county road number until someone can come up
> with a better proposal...
> Any Idahoans have any information?
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