As  you learned from Spencer Alves, postal codes are not areas. As far as I
know there are no zip code areas in OSM. I would recommend using QGIS and
Postgis to construct your queries using OSM and TIGER zip code boundaries.

Are you looking for any broadband connectivity, just cellular, DSL, fiber,
satellite, or a combination of all of them? My experience is that cellular
maps often overstate their reach. Satellite internet service isn't really
that great because of the lag time involved. (Upcoming low earth orbit
communications satellites promise break thoughts )

Your project is interesting. I hope to read about your conclusions. BTW - I
do have friends that only get internet service via their cell phones.
Another even used to live off the grid on purpose. When we went looking for
a place in rural Washington, we definitely had to exclude places that
either didn't have internet service or the cell service was non-existent.

Good luck,

On Wed, Jun 24, 2020 at 2:33 PM Ray Kiddy <r...@ganymede.org> wrote:

> Hello -
> I am interested in where people in the US lack internet connectivity and
> I keep thinking that I should be able to use OSM for some part of this.
> I am recalling (perhaps not accurately) that connectivity information is
> published by the FCC and I think that at least some of the information
> is per zipcode.
> This led me into a bit of a rat hole as I sought to find out if there
> are relations for zipcodes in the US. Does anyone know? I know that
> TIGER data defines lines that bound zipcodes. But can one craft a query
> that maps just the edges of a zipcode area? Are there then relations
> defined for those edges?
> I can keep thematic data on my own database but, so far, I do it by
> linking directly to a relation or way. If it had to be a set of
> relations, that would be unfortunate, but possible. But I am not seeing
> how to make the queries.
> Any ideas?
> cheers - ray
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