There is a very experienced OSM mapper who has extensive knowledge of NYS
databases. He is Kevin Kenny and his OSM email is

I'm pretty sure he will know something about copyright issues. I supply his
email because I'm not sure if he monitors this list.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2020 at 4:28 PM Mateusz Konieczny via Talk-us <> wrote:

> Jul 16, 2020, 06:44 by
> I found that NYS publishes GIS data in their "Clearing House", and one of
> the data sets available is address points:
> I opened the data in JOSM, and they look spatially accurate, for the most
> part (I noticed some points are off for addresses that don't have recent
> satellite imagery available).
> Reading up on the import guidelines, I can see that the license is
> important. However, I am not able to see anything that explicitly states
> one way or another what kind of license the data sets are distributed under
> Hello and thanks for checking before the import!
> License is important, sadly it seems to not be specified anywhere.
> , and this whether or not it is compatible with the ODBL. I wanted to ask
> if perhaps anyone else had investigated these data sets in the past, and
> what their findings were. If not, is the next step to email someone and ask?
> I just looked at it and it seems that either it is not specified or I
> missed it.
> If nobody will be able to locate that info then emailing specified contact
> would be a good next step.
> Note
> So unlike work of federal government it is not automatically public domain.
> On the other hand, it may be unoriginal database... Still, the preferred
> version is to have an explicit
> license.
> I don't have anything like an extensive plan for carrying out an import,
> which is why I did not include the "authoritative" imports mailing list
> yet. However, at a high level, as I am a software engineer by trade, my
> plan is to write a script that reads the shapefiles and an .osm file dump
> as input, does the attribute to tag transformations, and deduplicates with
> the existing data by excluding any address points that already exist in any
> OSM object with equivalent addr:* tags (it might also be necessary to
> inspect all associatedStreet and street relations). It would produce an
> .osm as output that contains nodes with just addr:* tags. This can then be
> opened in JOSM and merged into the standard data layer. I'd probably start
> with a single county and go from there.
> Similar things were done already so remember to check whatever existing
> tools for
> converting and conflation are good enough to use/modify rather than start
> from scratch.
> As a disclaimer, I do this in my free time, which is in short supply, so
> progress on this would likely be slow.
> Like OSM mapping in general.
> However, I would love if everyone could just search for any address and
> find it.
> +1
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