Hi folks,

Editing in Boundary County, Idaho in the Panhandle, I've been extending
the forest landuse area around Bonners Ferry and have come across a
difficulty in classifying forest roads.

It seems that many have been automatically imported and have
highway=residential, which is just plain wrong.

For roads that appear metalled (paved) and/or access mines, quarries,
communication towers etc. I label highway=service, for roads that are
unpaved or sometimes seem to almost fade out I label highway=track. For
roads that appear to be public access (e.g. to go to a lake) but are
obviously even more minor than tertiary roads I label highway=unclassified.

Is there a more consistent recommended method?

The US Topo map gives forest road references so I add ref FS xxxx.

TIGER seems to be at best very coarse, at worst fictional.


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