Le Sat, 22 Aug 2020 13:30:02 -0400,
Yury Yatsynovich <yury.yatsynov...@gmail.com> a écrit :

> Hi Julien,
> The following communication that I've had recently with a CT official
> might be of interest to you:

Oh, great! I think we already saw this data (I tried to contact them
too, but never got a reply :/). From what we saw (I think it was in
February?) the footprints have simplification issues (see
https://files.slack.com/files-pri/T029HV94T-FTDGDHXTM/image.png for
instance) where they are too detailed, not square enough, etc. Some
buildings also have holes in them, when there's none in the imagery.

So I think it's too bad to be used directly, without a lot of manual
effort to simplify, square and redraw the shapes. However, the address
data is very interesting, so maybe we could extract from it? Or we
could use a separate dataset if they have addresses separately.

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