Nov 22, 2020, 17:08 by

> Likewise we need to stop software developers from expecting    contributors 
> to add data purely because they can't be bothered/not    competent enough to 
> write a few lines of code. (OSM-carto demanding    boundaries on ways)
[citation needed] for OSM-carto demanding    boundaries on ways

Also [citation needed] for OSM-Carto support for boundary relations being 
extremely easy to implement

>  & numerous routers expecting multiple    foodways to criss-cross pedestrian 
> areas, are just two examples) 
Also [citation needed] for that reason is
"can't be bothered/not    competent enough to write a few lines of code" 

>  If developers are offended at receiving suggestions on how to    improve 
> their software, or even have it criticized, then they should    rescind it. 
If you insult others, claim that something is trivial to implement (it is not),
while something you demand is implemented already and suggest that
anyone offended by your comments should stop releasing software....

I would say that it is quite poor way to encourage volunteer
contributors to implement what you want.
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