Saturday July 15, 2006
The Guardian
By Bobbie Johnson, technology correspondent
A law banning gadgets that let iPod users listen to their music over FM
radio is to be overturned, it has been revealed.
The communications regulator, Ofcom, said yesterday that it wanted to lift
Britain's ban on the gizmos, which can be used to listen to digital music in
cars or around the home.
Devices such as Griffin Technology's iTrip are hugely popular in the US and
Europe, but using them is illegal in the UK. Thousands of British consumers
already have the devices, however, thanks to a legal loophole that lets the
country's retailers sell them.
The gizmos work by allowing car radios or household stereos to tune in to
iPod signals and play music, using the same wavelengths as radio stations.
Although the devices only broadcast their FM radio signals over distances of
a few metres, they were ruled illegal because of fears they would interfere
with commercial radio.
Despite the ban, thousands of people use the iTrip or Belkin's TuneCast
wireless transmitter to listen to their music on the move. "The iTrip is
actually our biggest-selling hardware accessory," said Jonathan Cole,
managing director of the iPod retailer
"But we're in the strange position where it is legal for us to sell it
within the European Union, but customers can only use it in other European
countries. I think it's all a bit silly really." Mr Cole said hooking music
players up to other devices was one of customers' most common requirements:
"We must get 20 people a day in our shops asking how to connect an iPod to
their radio or hi-fi."
Ofcom officials said yesterday that the popularity of the devices had led
them to reconsider the ban. "Low-power FM radio transmitters for MP3 players
are currently unauthorised for use in the UK and parts of Europe because of
the potential to cause interference to broadcast services," the regulator
said in a statement. "Ofcom is responding to growing consumer demand for the
use of these devices and has led negotiations in Europe to develop a
harmonised approached to their use."
As part of the review, Ofcom could also broaden the scope of CB radio and
lift restrictions on other low-power radio devices such as hearing aids,
alarm systems and meter readers. If the consultation goes smoothly the ban
could be lifted by Christmas. Owners of FM-enabled MP3 players will not need
a licence to operate the devices.
"I am delighted that Ofcom have ended this ludicrous ban based on 1940s
legislation," said Don Foster, the Liberal Democrat culture, media and sport
A spokeswoman for the iPod maker Apple refused to comment, saying the
California company would only speak publicly once the ban was lifted.
Meanwhile yesterday one of Britain's leading charities issued new warnings
about potential hearing damage caused by MP3 players. The Royal National
Institute for Deaf People warned that youngsters were risking premature
hearing loss by listening to their music at high volume through headphones.
The charity said 16- to 30-year-olds were largely unaware of the possible
risk to their hearing.

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