Hi All.


I don’t know if any of you have heard this already because I’m sure it made some kind of news. But I didn’t hear about it until Trevor told me about it tonight. So I thought I’d pass this along. This guy, some might find offensive for his beliefs. But for the purposes of this article and downloadable audio, don’t focus on him, focus on the topic. At the end of the article, you’ll find a link to download some very interesting content. So if you listen, what do you think, is she faking this? I would have pasted right out of the site, but my laptop doesn’t seem to be wanting to select content on Web pages with the virtual cursor off so sorry ‘bout that. Here ya go.



Leykis Gets Murder Confession

November 04, 2006

by Marc Rudov


Sited from: http://mensnewsdaily.com/2006/11/04/leykis-gets-murder-confession/


Unless you haven’t heard by now, a girl named Sue called into The Tom Leykis Show last night from Ahwatukee, Arizona, to confess and BRAG about murdering

the father of her child.


As I wrote in my article,

“Why Women Hate Tom Leykis,”

 Sue began her bizarre tale by reminding all men that Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It turns out that, after a one-night stand, she got preggers

and had a bastard child at the age of 19. Why not — doesn’t Hollywood teach that this is the cool thing to do?


Sue, a nurse, and the baby’s father both worked at the same hospital. The father refused to pay

child support

, so she had family court garnish his hospital wages. He didn’t like that, so he quit his job. Sue approached him privately for “under the table” money.

He refused to pay her that, too. What else could she do but take his 9mm pistol and shoot him in the heart (she bragged about knowing exactly where in

the heart to shoot because of her nursing background).


When the police arrived, Sue, while blubbering for effect, gave them the standard VAWA-speak: “He was beating and threatening me. He was drunk. He shot

himself.” Of course, the police AUTOMATICALLY believed her. Why? She’s a woman. (Read

“Will She Call 911 on You?”

) That’s right: No hearing; no trial. VAWA rules! Had the situation been reversed, and the police arrived to see a living man and dead woman, do you think

the investigating officer would have believed a male’s version of this story? Don’t bust a gut laughing.


Sue, the hubristic, moronic man-hater, decided to confess, on international radio, to killing a man. She didn’t realize that, when calling an 800 number,

her caller ID is revealed — even if unlisted. When Leykis, incredulous as we all were, reminded her about the consequences of her public confession, Sue

waxed indifference, feeling untouchable, saying that the body had been cremated and that she was using her friend’s phone.


Tom Leykis, who was doing his show as a live listener event in “Porkland,” Oregon (his nickname for the city of fat women), immediately had his sidekicks

contact the Phoenix media and the Ahwatukee police. Then, the throng of Leykis men began chanting, “Fry that b-tch. Fry that b-tch.” This is an adaptation

of Tom’s oft-repeated chant, “Dump that b-tch,” which he uses when admonishing men for hanging onto incompatible, abusive women.


Shortly after the confession, one female caller expressed happiness that a man died over child support. Wow! Another was scared for her 14-year-old athlete

son, who could become prey for cheerleaders. Said she: “Women are mean. I know; I am one! Tell all your guys to be careful.” Then, Tom announced on the

air that he would pay $5K in cash to anyone who helps lead to Sue’s capture and conviction. It was the most-amazing segment of radio I had ever heard.


I urge you to be careful with women. Because they have most of the civil rights, thanks to VAWA, they can be dangerous. While “pumping and dumping” them

may seem appealing and expeditious, it can backfire. Police will always presume men guilty and women innocent. Sue’s story, once again, proves it. It also

proves, as I wrote in

“Playing Abortion Chess,”

 that women care more about child support than abortion — even to the point of killing for it.




PS: In the first hour of his broadcast on Monday, November 6, 2006, Tom Leykis replayed most of Sue’s call and discussed it afterwards with callers. CLICK to hear the highlights

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