Please note; I'm forwarding this message without looking at it. The
contents will now we read at, and probably laughed about, by you, as
well as me. Except, at the moment, I can't read messages from talk2,
so... uh... yeah.

Forwarded message:
from victor andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sent: Monday, 12/4/2006 at 3:08:32 AM
subject: yourfriend Victor
Dear Patrick,
Hi my anme is Victor Andrews.
 I would like to broadcaster with you guies.
 I am in to radiio myself.
 ICan be contacted byemail at [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I will talk to yousoon.
 I am 19 
years old i willbe 20 injanuary.
 Sincerely, Victor

-- -- 
Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
home: +1(828)221-2971
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
For anything related to the yamaha motif line of keyboards and
modules, subscribe to the motif-help mailing list by sending a
blank message to:
Dear Patrick,
Hi my anme is Victor Andrews.
 I would like to broadcaster with you guies.
 I am in to radiio myself.
 ICan be contacted byemail at [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I will talk to yousoon.
 I am 19
years old i willbe 20 injanuary.
 Sincerely, Victor

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