So, hi everybody, and welcome to a very bored Borris.
Gee, this is starting to sound like an LJ post, but it's not, nor is it even 
worthy of such. This, of course, is really saying a lot.

Anyway, my point today is to find the most inefficient way of doing things, 
such as, for example, listening to FX Radio, something which is rather easy to 
do, assuming you've got an AAC+ capable media player. I've heard that foobar 
0.8.3 doesn't know how to do channel coupling, although the newer, inferior 
Foobar can play it. Oh well...

Anyhow, here's my really inefficient setup so far. Any suggestions are welcome:

I've got a virtual machine installed on my main desktop running Windows 2000.
Under this machine, I've connected to my VPN, which is on the other ISP, and 
currently outside of my lan segment. This machine is running Tor and Privoxy. 
So, through the VPN, I'm tuneling through Tor to a remote machine somewhere. 
So, I have to go outside my network, across to my other ISP, then from there to 
that machine's tor socks4, to a remote machine. From this point, I could, for 
example, connect to another VPN on my other ISP over the remote socks4, which 
would be incredibly slow and bad.
Let's just leave that setp out for now.

After having done all this, I load up Winamp, set it's output to a virtual 
audio cable, load up audio repeater, rout that virtual audio cable to yet 
another virtual audio cable, load another instance of vac, and rout the final 
audio cable back to the virtual Windows sound card, which, in itself, is 
emulated, and then has to be routed back to a physical output device, in this 
case my on-board Realtech card.
After having set all this up, I can connect to FX Radio, which is originating 
from an old Compaq desktop that is less than a foot away from me. As a result 
of all this pointlessness, a very large all that for that situation has 
successfully been created.

I could have just loaded something tiny and little, but instead, I'm using 
VMWare, which uses 300something mb of ram to host the guest operating system, 
then running all this crap under that, through all the bad stuff mentioned 

By the way, I'm writing this message under said virtual machine with Outlook 
Express, a client which I absolutely hate. So, that should tell you how bored I 

Now I'm going to turn off the virtual file and printer sharing, and 
purpousfully infect my virtual machine ith oads of viruses, just to see what 
they do.

For anyone interested, I just got the following on my fake messenger service:

Messenger Service 
Message from SYSTEM to ERROR on 12/19/2006 11:49:49 AM
Registry Scan Recommended
Please do the following:
1. Please visit
2. Download Registry Cleaner
3. Install and scan system for critical errors.
4. Register and Clean all errors.
Failure to do so may result in system instability!

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