Hmm, this is interesting and I'm definitely gonna try this thing. It's always been interesting though how on most mailinglists that I've been on that are moderated and mainly used by blind people, everyone seems to love top quoting and I've in fact even been on lists where if you don't top quote you'd be band, yet on other lists that are nothign to do with blindness usually the choise is left up to you and definitely bottom quoating is prefered...stupid blind people, yes before anyone says I do top quote, but I can see many situation when it's much easier and it makes much more sense not to top quote. I've even been band from the list simply for saying that to me it doesn't really matter, but no all these idiots were talking all this shit how it's so so damn difficult to read messages that are not top quoted...seriously what the hell's wrong with some people.
AIM: vanja121
Skype: vanja121
----- Original Message ----- From: "Onj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "talk2" <talk2@AndreLouis.COM>
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2007 11:26 PM
Subject: The Talk2 List Microsoft outlook and OE issues

Hi. There's been a lot of talk on the rockbox list of late about top-quoting. Now it seems only OE and Microsoft outlook do this by default, and it is rather backwards and stupid. Email clients such as The BAt! Do not do this to my knowledge, or if they do, their owners fix this immediately. A member of the Rockbox list posted this url which I find quite useful and now I use it in conjunction with OE. OK so it's not the best mail client ever, nore does it really follow lovely RFC regulations but it just about works. Microsoft can never quite get it right can they? Anyway, I've introduced some people to it already and they seem to like it, so I thought I'd put it out there to talk2 members using OE and Microsoft outlook and see what they make of it.

Directly from the website comes a bit about what it does and why:

OE-QuoteFix will extend the functionality of MS Outlook Express in numerous ways! Its main purpose is to modify message composition windows on-the-fly to allow for correct quoting and to change the appearance of your plain-text replies and forwards in general: move your signature, use compressed indentation, have RFC compliant signatures, etc. But the second feature is equally practical: OE-QuoteFix can instantly color quoted passages (according to the level of indentation), fix bad quoting and generally beautify messages as you view them in Outlook Express.
Quoting & Formatting

If you use Outlook Express as your mail/news client and make use of plain-text messages (which are still the way to go, especially in the usenet), you will have noticed that OE doesn't exactly feature the most intelligent quoting algorithm; in fact, it's the silliest one imaginable.

The following will probably look familiar... This is a simple sample text, and as you will see, Outlook Express is going
to wrap this line. I've always hated that! And one night I said to myself,
"It can't go on like this". And so I wrote OE-QuoteFix...

Dominik Jain
"Dominik Jain"  wrote in message
This is a simple sample text, and as you will see, Outlook Express is
to wrap this line. I've always hated that! And one night I said to myself,
"It can't go on like this". And so I wrote OE-QuoteFix...

Dominik Jain
"Dominik Jain"  wrote in message
> This is a simple sample text, and as you will see, Outlook Express is
> to wrap this line. I've always hated that! And one night I said to
> "It can't go on like this". And so I wrote OE-QuoteFix...
> --
> Dominik Jain

So there you have it. That's a muchly cut down discription but I run it like Bewaresntp which is sitting in task manager but with no task bar icon and nothing in the system tray to even indicate that it is at all there.
Hope it's interesting to someone at least.

Andre P. Louis

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