You know you love these DreamHost Newsletters, don't you? Well, here's the next one. They got it in time, this time.
On Friday, March 30, 2007 11:04 PM [GMT-4=CET],
DreamHost March Newslettery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> stated:

0.  Introduction.
1.  101 Points of Panel.
2.  Register Flight.
3.  The Most Popular Suggestion of the Last Two Months.
4.  New Charities!

0.  Introduction.

This is a momentous occasion. Not only is it the first ever March 2007
DreamHost Newsletter, I also happened to notice this is newsletter

Assuming you do computer science-style and count the first newsletter
as #0. Which I do as a computer scientist, not as a person who didn't
check into this in February 2007.

To celebrate this amazing milestone, I thought maybe I'd do something
special this month. I thought maybe, just maybe, it's time for a

Just as the first 100 newsletters were marked by an uncharacteristic
level of immaturity and offensiveness, broken up only rarely by small
bouts of 2nd-grade humor; the NEXT 100 newsletters shall be renowned
for their political correctness, stuffiness, and complete absence of
any compelling reason to read it.

Then we'll switch back!

1.  101 Points of Panel.

Now, the first action item for this new era. To celebrate this 101st
newsletter and the accompanying flip-flop of newsletter style, we have
formed a committee to study the feasibility of including a list of the
101 new features we added to the web panel this month.

The committee deliberated for the entire month, and finally, just
moments ago, came to their final decision.


Instead, they have decided, the newsletter shall include only the
bottom 19 new web panel features, as they are judged least likely to
offend, confuse, or entertain.

And they are, in order.

    #18. Bigger Fonts across the new panel re-design.
    #17. More contrast in the colors across the new panel re-design.
    #16. All the actions in tables have descriptive text again.
    #15. The local time (U.S. Pacific) is included on each panel page.
    #14. It is also included on
    #13. posts have severity and resolved
    statuses. #12. Your custom webmail logo also appears on failed
    logins. #11. Webmail has a purge link next to your junk mail
    folder. #10. Webmail shows what email address you are logged in
    as. #09. Webmail once again supports Japanese.
    #08. Announcement Lists will be paginated if you have lots of
    them. #07. You can review and edit pending Announcement List
    messages. #06. You can see pending Domain Registration requests.
    #05. There is a link to Lock/Unlock all your registrations at
    once. #04. You can hide failed incoming domain registration
    transfers. #03. Subdomains are under their domain in the
    Bandwidth Usage area. #02. You can keyword filter your email on
    the "Reply-To:" header. #01. You can set your recipient to for FormMail. #00. Disk usage is no longer listed
in MB anywhere on the panel.

If you would like to find the other 82 new features we failed to
mention here for fear of causing undue hubbub, they should be pretty
obvious at:

2.  Register Flight.

Atop this lofty new perch atop the pedestal of calm and righteousness,
it is sometimes hard to imagine there are web hosts and registrars
still left in the world who would stoop so low as to provide years of
free registrations in a shallow attempt to gain market share.. only
to then no longer have the resources or, dare I say, the _integrity_
to provide the service they have promised.

It is through such reckless business practices and blatant disregard
for the well-being of their customers that RegisterFly finds
themselves about to lose their ICANN accreditation... tomorrow:

We have decided to take the high road and offer any existing
RegisterFly customer a FREE YEAR OF HOSTING AND REGISTRATION if they
transfer to us:

Again, I just cannot BELIEVE some hosts would stoop so low as to
provide free services just to trap unwitting consumers into their
inevitable death spiral.

3.  The Most Popular Suggestion of the Last Two Months.

In order to rise above the rabble, one must differentiate and in a
way, segregate themselves from them. Only then can they attain true
peace and order in this turbulent Indian Ocean we call life.

It should really come as no surprise then that the most popular
suggestion of the last two months, as voted on here by you, Happy
DreamHost Huddled Masses:

Is the one "Keep sites with adult content on different servers from
the rest.".. by almost a 3 to 1 margin over the second place

Now, we've never been one to infringe on the First Amendment, nor have
we particularly interested in proactively policing our customer's
content. And we don't know if the popularity of this suggestion is out
of a desire to keep one's own shared-hosting site far away from busy
sites which may be taxing the load, or a worry of contracting some
rare form of digital herpes by sharing a host.

We're going to assume it's the former. And so, we did a little audit
and found that possibly isolating as few as 0.1% of our sites to
their own servers could dramatically reduce the load for the other
99.9% sites. Literally; the ratio is actually 999 to 1.

Especially after the little network incident we had on Wednesday

we've decided a separation of some sort would be in the overwhelming
best interest of the Happy DreamHost Customer community as a whole.

We have already developed a system to start pinpointing sites with the
potential to be isolated, and in the next few weeks will further
refine the process to best attempt keep everybody's sites happy and
healthy in their own little hosting neighborhoods!

4.  New Charities!

As a respected member of the Web Hosting newsletter community (we
hold a position on the board), it is important to set a good example
for the other newsletters.

Which is why, we always offer two charities up at:

for customers to donate to via their hosting bill. Being such
godfathers, we then _match_ all donations made. In fact, for the last
three months we raised $689.19 from 27 contributors for MIT's
OpenCourseWare project, and then matched it, as well as $2159.45 from
48 contributors towards, which yeah, we'll probably
match too.

Now, it's too late to Save Darfur for you, but you can still go and
donate towards the two new charities we have available:

The first "empowers children, youth, and families affected by HIV and
AIDS" and the second "attempts to help rural children in developing
countries by providing books, libraries, and computer labs."

When you're such a community leader like us, you really have no choice
but to think of the children.


Just as a new era in newsletters dawned today, so apparently dawned a
new era in DreamHost Site of the Month winners. Gone are the flashy
portfolio sites and media streamers of yester-month. Here to stay are
such winners as:

Can there really be a more solid site on which to build the foundation
of all future DHSOTM winners, than this one, a Masonry website? I
don't believe it could be so. If you've got a similarly stoic,
serious, and sturdy site to submit, the future beckons you at:

Respectfully Yours,
Josh Jones

P.S. Can't handle the maturity and serenity exhibited this month and
every month up through June 2015? You may unsubscribe by adjusting
your contact preferences here:

Then, re-subscribe in July 2015.

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