----- Original Message ----- From: "Axe, Catherine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Chemel, Tasha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:58 PM
It's fine that they don't know anything about jaws, but why in god's name do they think they could get anything useful out of testing it?

HI Tasha,

We have detected some problems in using Banner with JAWS, but we are
unsure if it is our limited skills with JAWS that are causing the
problem. I was wondering if you'd be willing to help us make sure it is
accessible. It would m    ean meeting with some CIS people one time to use
JAWS to navigate Banner. Let me know if you'd have time to do this. I
know this must be a busy time for you.

Hope things are going well!


Catherine Axe
Director, Disability Support Services
Brown University
(401) 863-9588 - voice and TTY
(401) 863-1999 - fax

-----Original Message-----
I sat down with my systems admin person today and we tested banner with
jaws (Roberto's screeen reading software). It appears that Jaws works
somewhat llike a printer, it has to "dump" what's in its memory before
can move on to the next page, so, for example, when we click on the
chedule link, it continues to read from the banner homepage for a bit
before it starts reading the class schedule search page.  I tested this
with several pages and that seems to be the way it is designed. Other
this, it seems to read the pages okay.  It won't be easy for a sight
impaired person to navigate the catalog or class schedule easily.  Since

Jaws reads everything on the page, if you want to go to a course or
that is further down the list (say ECON 1720) you have to wait for it to

read ALL of the text leading up to it.  Also, the software scrolls
the page as it reads it, so when it is reading the catalog or schedule
has already advanced beyond the course number before it finishes reading

that line so if you wanted to click on the course link it will already
off the screen.

Another thing I noticed, for the drop-down menus such as Search by term,

Level, Schedule type, etc. it only reads the first item on the scroll
menu (i.e. All or None).  It doesn't tell you want the other options are
the drop-down menu.  If you do select one of the other options (and I
know how a sight impaired person will be able to do this since they
know what the other options are), it isn't until after you have made
selection AND hit the submit button that it tells you what you which
you selected.

Of course, I wasn't able to test any of the faculty access pages since
are available yet.


At 01:06 PM 3/21/2007, you wrote:
Phyllis, do you know if professor Serrano tried using banner? I'm
wondering about how his vision support software worked.

Nancy R. Dunbar
Associate Provost

Phyllis Hudek
Department Manager
Department of Economics
Brown University
Box B
64 Waterman Street
Providence, RI  02912

(401) 863-2116
(401) 863-1970 (fax)


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