Hello. This is a very on-topic message merely to ask why it is that the cecular groupy society of talkative squeeky chese pumps only now, after seconds of talks, signatures, piece-missions, lego buildings crumpling to nothing and finally the greatest and hugest, most diabolicle and uncouth boozlle, put all efforts into sitting down with 100 percent ifficiency and then jumping onto the wall over there, when that could have all been dealt with in a most queezy manner by the subordinate universal plug packs to be found almost anywhere on the planet? I ask you fellow talk2 members, why? I can't find any solution and to stop this sort of thing happening again, especially all over my nice wooden floor, I ask for your advice and help at this absolutely difficult moment of my life. Any unusual members to be found free-floating on the ceiling are to be tied up and left to dangle by their toes from the zanfup light fixtures as soon as possible.
Any questions?  Any answers for that matter?

Andre P. Louis

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