Author unknown. Heheheh. I wonder why! I liked the hurricane one
though. Where do people come up with this stuff. Ub boy...

-----Original Message-----
Of Onj Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 7:29 AM
To: talk2


The English language with its wealth of idiomatic expressions makes
the following deductions concerning the characteristics of the blind
and their daily activities possible

They may be excused for being forgetful because out of sight is out of

They are very happy; what the eye does not see the heart does not
They are also very affectionate because love is blind.

They often ignore things by turning a blind eye to them.

They may be ignorant because they are in the dark about things, but
do not underestimate them; they've got it all taped.

They are very friendly people and like to keep in touch.

They also tend to have a real feeling for the world round about them
though they may not be able always to see eye to eye with certain
They may also sometimes lose sight of certain facts but do not
underestimate their vision. Despite being blind they can still look
forward to something and see you next week.

You may not always be able to make them see what you mean, but they
still are able to have their own view.

They are not blind to their own faults, nor to the faults of others.
You can try putting the wool over their eyes, but you may find that
very difficult.

They are so good at what they do that they can do it with their eyes
closed but if they try to burn the candle at both ends, they may burn
their fingers.

Their medium of writing is easily spotted, is not pointless, in fact
there is very much point in using braille and it is outstanding.

Blind people enjoy a social life. However, one must bear in mind that
if you take someone on a date, it will always be a blind date.

If they have too much alcohol they may get blind drunk.

Be warned: their rage and fear will always be blind rage and blind
When walking down the street at a fast pace with a white object being
tapped about, they could be called hurricanes.

An uneven pavement can be a real stumbling block.

Blind alleys will not be too much of a problem. They never walk with
blinkers on but they walk by faith and not by sight.

If you were to come across blind people from Venice they would
probably be called Venetian blinds.

They are not allowed to drive, but it might be possible, provided they
stick to blind rises and go round blind corners. Blind spots would not

present a problem for them and at night they will not be blinded by
the lights of other vehicles.

These are blind facts but I hope that no-one finds the subject too
touching and do not be so blind as those that will not see.

Perhaps all this has been an eye opener to someone. May we all not
lose sight of the fact that we are living in the age of so-called
enlightenment where visionary leadership is very important and where
care must be taken not to be blinded by things that are unimportant.
Hopefully all this has provided some light relief.

----author unknown!

Andre P. Louis

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