Okay so I thought I would jump on this cute little bandwagon and ride around
the streets of the internet with its fiber optic cables and satellites and
lands of IP addresses and  little packets and whatever else makes up the
workings of the internet that I have no clue about at all to promote my show
for the week. 


Rather than talk about what may happen tonight, I will tease you with Amy's
show notes about what has happened on previous shows. Since there are only
two, this will be easy enough. And her reviews of both shows are sure to
make you laugh. I don't think anyone else could do this but an Amy who has
known me for 19 years. If ya don't wanna read below, just come listen to the
show. Point your favorite TBRN-capable media software to



See you tonight. 



Amy's show notes for September 30.

 <http://maryannn.livejournal.com> The most awesomest and bestest and
mostest fantastico friend ever! did her first regular radio show last night
on  <http://tbrn.net> tbrn.
For those of you who didn't catch it you need to
<http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.070930.ogg> go and grab it right
I mean it.  <http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.070930.ogg> right now!
I had to go and  <http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.070930.ogg>
download it too because I only managed to catch the first part of it.
What's important is that you go and listen to it, because all sorts of
hilarity ensues!
Mary Ann by herself has enough stuff to make things hilarious with all kinds
of incriminating recordings, but things got rolling due to the most
awesomest intro I think in the history of tbrn radio ever! Thanks to
<http://reverendbigdawg.livejournal.com/> John, it was an incredible
beginning to her show! Yes, it was truly intro-tastic!
Some trivia for you:
Mary Ann, secretly longs to have sweet nothings both whispered in her ear as
well as sent to her through the mail. If your response to that is "huh?"
then apparently you haven't been paying attention and missed the part about
going and downloading the file.

Mary Ann, all little and tiny and cuuuute though she is, really, really,
really, really, really snores! I, mean, snores! I mean like sawing some huge
lumber in a very wooded forest kind of snoring!
I'm talking like earth shaking snoring!
Don't believe me?
 <http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.070930.ogg> download the show
archive, and jump your time while playing to exactly 22:00. Make sure that
you're listening with headphones. Now: Listen carefully. Hear that in the
background of the "Mary Ann" song? That's, her, honker, going at it! It
totally amazes me that that sound came out of her! I'd say that it was
snore-tastic but I'm not sure that there is any way possible that snoring
like that could be considered fantastic or any variation thereof. It might
not be worthy of a variation on fantastic, but it is damn funny!!
Now, in the same file jump back in time a little to 21:58, so that you can
listen to and totally appreciate  <http://reverendbigdawg.livejournal.com/>
John's awesome and rockin' intro, which pretty much lumps Mary Ann and her
various degrees if silliness (some even at warp speed). Ok. Now, feel free
to listen to the rest of the show from beginning to end at your leisure.


Amy's Show notes for October 7

Another splendid Sunday evening has come and gone--ok so I'm totally aware
that it is Monday or actually now Tuesday, but some of us have to work
right? hehhehhehahahahah
If you haven't tuned in yet, you missed another evening of Kickin' Back With
Mary Ann! No, the promo isn't necessary, but it's fun, and worth your time
to listen live, and if you can't for some reason--um--well considering the
time of evening that it's on hopefully it's a good one, you need to go and
<http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.071007.ogg> download the archive.
As usual when you're hangin' out with Mary Ann, hilarity ensues!
Mary Ann is recovering from a day of much running around and so she's all
tense until she has some wine. From that point on, it is truly an evening of
Kickin' Back with Mary Ann!
We bring our "Strange Kitchen and Eating Events" poll to life by reading the
answers on air. She then opened it up to folks to call in and share more
funny kitchen and food blunders. We hear all about fuzzy cookies, blackened
cupcakes, fried soup and toasted grass, Derek's whistling biscuits (complete
with sound affects), exploding stoves, and why it's probably a bad idea to
let  <http://reverendbigdawg.livejournal.com> John play with the condiments
at the IHOP and mix them with coffee! mmmmmmmm. Hot sauce and syrup and
sweeten low and coffee! Can we say bottoms up fellas? Needless to say, I am
amazed that  <http://reverendbigdawg.livejournal.com> John, has any stomach
lining left! hehhehhehhahahaha!
We are introduced to barfing Becky, and her fizzing popping candies! It's
like a weird public service announcement about why an entire package of sour
apple PopRocks in your mouth all it once is really really bad! There is no
wording that can do it justice, so you've gotta go and
<http://tbrn.net/archives/MaryAnn/MaryAnn.071007.ogg> grab the archive and
give it a listen! We also hear a hilarious track of "cooking with Reverend
BigDawg," and are treated to, in my opinion, a not-so-hilarious and
incriminating file that Mary Ann made about me last year! hehhehhehhehhehaah
I think that between my file and the other Barry Manillow track that she
played that she has for sure surpassed her Manillow quota, and that a
manication--or a Manillow-vacation is in order at some point! *grins*
End of notes


As a side note, read my lips. There will be no Barry Manillow this week!  


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