I overslept, and thus, Things and Stuff is obviously not on. While I
could start the show now, I really don't want to. Why? Because I'm still
very tired, and I would not be as presentable as I'd like. I will,
however, do the show tomorrow after the Rock n Roll Report, which, for
now, have moved from... : to : PM? Boyng? I'm a bit confused about when
things come on anymore. If, for whatever reason, that doesn't work out,
I'll do something during the week.

So tune in after the Rock n Roll report, which shows up after the Sunday
Night Saranade... for... uh, something better than what is currently
live at the moment. Well, then again, that isn't really saying much, now is it?

Time to fall over!

Patrick Perdue (MCP, CNA)
Greensboro, NC
website: http://www.pdaudio.net
home: +1(336)698-4417
Mobile phone and SMS: +1(336)509-5583
e-mail and .net messenger: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
aim: noaptiva
Composition of this message started on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at 10:30 PM EDT.

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