Well everyone, as part of the broadcastathon, after jdx, Andre Louis and i will bring you x hours of fun and madness, thanks to tbrn, and a teamtalk connection. So stay tuned to tbrn.net:8888/tbrn.ogg and enjoy the fun!

    MR  Arthur J. Pirika

You can find many things out about me by reading below this line:

 My Live Journal: http://arfy8820.livejournal.com
Free music (for use in MOH systems, podcasts and radio): http://tbrn.net/arfy
 The Beyond Radio Network (TBRN:) http://www.TBRN.NET

  Online contacts:

msn messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Aim: arfy8820

  Telephone contacts:

 Home (phone: +64-3-341-1500 - Ext. 54857
 Cellular (New Zealand): +64-21-036-0670
In the United States: +1-702-520-5110

Ring the TBRN conference line 24 hours a day! +1-702-520-5123

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