This is just a quick note to inform you all that, after the Dell fiasco last week, and a big nothing the week before, Things and Stuff will be returning to TBRN tonight at 10:00 PM Eastern.

I've found some bad, old, rather incriminating tapes over the past few weeks while cleaning up the basement after last month's flood thing, which will certainly ruin my pristine reputation (that is to say, if I had one to ruin). Learn just how much has changed (or not) in the past twelve years or so of my boring thing that calls itself a life by tuning into this poor excuse of a show, and, most importantly, tell your friends, so they can all be there to laugh at my expense as well.

So, tune in for the entire Saturday lineup, starting with WDGL FM at 2:00 PM Eastern, the X-Bin at 5:00, Blart Radio at 8:00, a big two-hour void from 10:00 PM to 12:00 AM... Hmm. Something's wrong with my script, it's supposed to say... Ah, well, same difference, never mind., it's the place to be!

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