Aww, 5 out of 126? Try 1200 out of 1300, then properly complain about it.

As for the rest, I own a domain and have a VPS, hosting my own mail, and god, I hate doing it! I am almost tempted to use GMail, but I won't do it. It does have Imap now, but still...

shaun everiss wrote:
hmmmm well unless I can find something other than isp mail which is free easy 
to register and doesn't include varification like google and yahoo I suspect I 
will not be moving.
in fact isp mail is ok just the spam filter used to be that it got to little 
now its to much.
and its only list mail for me everyone is fine.
Some say I should buy a domain and get a vps and then run that.
however I don't see the point, as long as I can get my mail.
out of 126 messages overnight about 5 were spam.
its 5 to many but my isp filters block  around  40 lagit messages per 5 spams.
I suppose that is standard.
I have not used gmail for ages so I suspect my gmail account has expired.
and not sure if it would work anyway.
At 03:08 a.m. 2/04/2009, you wrote:
I would not use the spam filters on your ISP.
I wouldn't even use ISP email at all.
I wouldn't reformat so  many times like you do and use norton ghosts, I 
wouldn't be from on a small island where they outlaw beastiality, because I bet 
you have some old 80 men that like to have sex with small mice but can't do 
that over there.

On 3/31/2009 9:44 PM, shaun everiss wrote:
Hi all.
I am back online stupid spam filters on isp.

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