Dude, I'm sure they understood what you were trying to convay in your
first message. They'll see it, and it'll be taken care of.

On 7/12/09, shaun everiss <shau...@xtra.co.nz> wrote:
> Hi.
> The show is incomplete its 59mb upload.
> Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
> http://www.mail-archive.com/talk2%40andrelouis.com/
> has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

Daniel C Romero
Paterson New Jersey
Website: http://danrmusic.no-ip.org
Cell Phone: 973-955-6955
MSN messenger/E-mail:
Aim: RadioDJ246
Skype: radiodj246

Did you miss a message?  Well, don't.
has it for you.  Never miss a Talk2 message again.

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