On 06/15/2016 06:09 PM, Stewart C. Russell via talk wrote:
On 2016-06-15 04:29 PM, Russell Reiter wrote:
I always thought it a shame that the windmill was only used to generate
hydrogen for the hybrid fleet. It would have been nice to have it feed
the grid
It *always* has fed the grid. That hydrogen station coincidentally
connected to the grid, and their claim that all the power for their
process came from the turbine was utterly wrong. We tried to get them to
change their plaque, but they wouldn't. I think the Hâ‚‚ station has gone

The whole Hydrogen Economy thing kind of fizzled out a few years ago.
The coolest and cleverest hydrogen energy thing in the province, though,
sits and runs quietly in a nondescript box at Sheppard E & Vic Park.
Most people don't know it's there.

The Hydrogen Economy did not quite fizzle so much as changes in government pushed R&D into oil.
We installed a fuel cell based backup power system at Victoria and Adelaide.
The system worked as billed and life was good till the Sunrise propane explosion changed the rules about getting H2 delivered and Schneider bought APC to leverage the large lead acid battery customer base.

Hydrogenics the manufacturers of the fuel cells is actually doing an OK business in speciality applications like stationary power and indoor power for things like forklifts.

The hydrogen to power process works quite well.
The problem is getting hydrogen into a convenient storage format.

Alvin Starr                   ||   voice: (905)513-7688
Netvel Inc.                   ||   Cell:  (416)806-0133
al...@netvel.net              ||

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