The truth is quite mundane. The security situation is no better or no worse than any other application.

I ran a microgrid in in the basement of the Cooper Coo Family center for 6 months last year. It was debian with an outgoing connection firewall. The microgrid made an openvpn connection to our central site. It is invisible. Even then, all the internal applications are passworded. We also use Strongswan VPNs to connect to remote telemetry Nets in the cloud. Nothing new here, nothing sexy.

On 06/25/16 08:40, Russell Reiter via talk wrote:
I wonder about grid security and whether or not a microgrid can be
designed to repel all borders. That is, only allow links to trusted

The way things are headed in the IoT, perhaps power source monitoring
will detect the harmonic characteristics of each user in a trusted
cluster and when combined with the overall harmonics of the grid, this
data can be used for quality control and billing, or even equity trading
between users.

Sent from mobile.

On Jun 25, 2016 3:21 AM, "ac via talk" <
<>> wrote:

    On Thu, 23 Jun 2016 11:43:19 -0400
    Lennart Sorensen via talk < <>>
     > On Wed, Jun 22, 2016 at 07:39:34PM -0400, Michael Galea via talk
     > wrote:
     > > No, the device is not a UPS. It is a PLC that measures voltages,
     > > currents, real and reactive power of a 3-phase service.  It
     > > provides me the results as IEEE754 32-bit floating point numbers.
     > > It's me that truncates to 2 digits.
     > > You know I'm sorry I ever implied that the grid wasn't long term
     > > accurate at 60 Hz!  What I should have said was that in the short
     > > term the grid could be quite off 60 Hz but over the longer term it
     > > could average out.
     > > If I really needed to know the answer to the question of "how much
     > > out", I would get ask the PLC to just count cycles and send me the
     > > count with a timestamp. That would tell.
     > Well wikipedia claims the grid can be off by up to 10 seconds in
     > america on this side of the continent.  The west and texas allow a
     > lot less.  So it can certainly be a bit off for quite a while.
    this is a very interesting thread, i frequently ponder personal grid
    timing and other cycles using various oscillations, until the old 40Hz
    streak lights up (sync) my life

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