11 April - A Bit More Than Mostly Searchable: Scanned Paper You Can Find
           with Stewart Russell

Building on a GTALUG Lightning Talk from 2015, Stewart goes over what
you'll need to turn messy piles of paper into a (mostly) organized
archive of compact searchable electronic files.

9 May - Lessons learnt as a maintainer
        with Dhaval Giani

I have been an upstream maintainer of libcgroup. As a maintainer, I have
had varied experiences which have taught me important lessons. This talk
goes over some anecdotes, and hopefully they provide some humour and
some lessons.

13 June - Intelligent Availability; The evolution of High Availability
          with Madison Kelly

Madison will discuss the tenants of and concepts behind “Intelligent
Availability” and how it provides “next gen” availability. The “Anvil!”
platform is the first full IA platform, combining a fully redundant
architecture along with the 100% open source Striker UI and ScanCore
“decision engine”. A live demonstration of this platform will be used to
show IA in action. Various faults will be induced, showing how the
Anvil! autonomously reacts to mitigate these changing risks.

Attendees will be learn how to apply these IA techniques and concepts,
allowing them to make their own IT environments more resilient.

Have an awesome day, and happy open-sourcing :-).
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