I feel your pain....
My big fat sausage like fingers make it nearly impossible for me to use the keyboard interface with less than a 50% error rate unless I have a phone with a 7" screen(I actually had one once).
There are multiple kinds of touch screens so possibly you need a phone with the appropriate kind of touch screen.
I believe that most phones currently use a capacitive touch technology which has issues with gloved hands or in your case calluses.
Another issue that current touch screens have is that they have no tactile feedback.
Lots of Blackberry users will attest to the ease of using the physical keyboard and I have heard a couple say that someone will have to pry it out of their cold dead hands.
Some research has been done on tactile feedback but it may be a long time before that kind of technology appears in your next phone.
On 10/11/2017 08:08 AM, o1bigtenor via talk wrote:
Reading of the announcement of 2 new 'smart' phones at the meeting prompts me to ask the question.
Am I the only person who finds that touch screens don't work worth a !@#$%^ using my fingers?
Thumb, index and third finger take repeated attempts to get a result where the fourth finger seems to work 'ok' its not very 'comfortable'. I do work with my hands, albeit not like I used to, so I do have calluses (they really aren't as thick as they have been at some times in the past though), - - -- is thatpossibly why I haven't been able to find a touch screen that 'works'.
I haven't only tried one 'brand' of phone either. The iPhone is a little less problematic but not enough so to warrant any kind of purchase from me (that's without the absolutely stupid pricing levels). Have used LG, Samsung and Motorola and the issue is consistent.
At this point my opinion on touch screens is that they are over priced gadgets that I would rather not use.
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