On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 03:51:17PM -0500, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
> Zotac has announced some ZBox models with AMD Ryzen Processors.
> If you like NUCs, you might like ZBoxes.  They are supposed to be
> available "some time in the second quarter" of this year at an
> unannounced price.
> <https://www.anandtech.com/show/12319/zotac-displays-zbox-ma551-an-amd-raven-ridgebased-sff-pc>
> <https://topnewreview.com/zotac-magnus-er51060-review/>

That looks much better than those ITX boards, although the power supply
is external.

Of course they don't tell you which wifi or gigabit chipset they are

Looking at their drivers, the ones I checked were all intel wifi and
realtek gigabit.

> I've got ZBoxes, but only inexpensive ones.  They have Atom-family or
> Celeron processors.  Some models come with two NICs; I use those as
> internet gateways 24/7.
> Sometimes these small systems are more expensive than notebooks with
> similar resources.

I wonder what they will end up costing.

Len Sorensen
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