I did a major reno on my house a few years ago. The deal with my wife was
that I could buy any power tools that I needed, and I now have a nice

This was the front of the house including a large livingroom, hall,
stairway and front door area. Complete demolition, rewiring, new windows,
new fireplace, two sets of new stairs.

I did everything except the drywall (hard work and tricky) and the painting.
We purchased the stair unit. I didn't know how to do trimwork but studied
the youtube videos and bought some books on it. The result was very
attractive, but it does require the proper tools and knowledge.

I quite enjoyed it. It took 13 months, including time off for a stupidly
self-inflicted injury. But I'm retired, it would take a lot longer if you
were working and could only do evenings and weekends. They call the
drywall dust 'divorce dust' for a reason.


> Very off-topic, but since most Linux guys are handy with their hands, so
> who knows...
> Are there courses for home owner who is thinking about doing home
> renovation?  There are tasks that should be left for professionals.
> But, if the owner can do minor things, then it could be cost saving.
> Assuming he does the jobs right.  Hence, the question.
> --
> William Park <opengeome...@yahoo.ca>
> ---
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Peter Hiscocks
Syscomp Electronic Design Limited, Toronto
USB Oscilloscope and Waveform Generator

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