I bought a big tube (actually a syringe, probably 20-30ml) of white
thermal paste at Neutron Electronics in Guelph for about $10, years ago.
For the amount of repair work I do, that's a lifetime supply.


On 2018-07-08 03:03 PM, Alex Beamish via talk wrote:
> My main system stopped booting two weeks ago, so had to move back to my
> previous system. Fortunately, a lot of my stuff was in Dropbox, so after a
> decent interval, many of my files were available on the previous machine.
> Yay Dropbox.
> There are, however, still a few files on the dead system I'd like to get.
> Today I took that system apart, popped the fan off the CPU, and found dried
> thermal paste. Hmm.
> It's possible that the CPU might be cooked (I was away during the Final
> Crash), but on the off chance that it just over-heated and shut down (does
> that even happen?), I know I need to clean off the old thermal paste
> (Q-tips and rubbing alcohol) and apply new. Strap the fan back on, power up
> and see if it boots.
> Best Buy only ships this on-line, and Canada Computes doesn't seem to stock
> it. Can anyone comment on where they get thermal paste? I could wait for
> delivery, but it would be great just to get the stuff and move on.
> Thanks for your feedback!
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Bob Jonkman <bjonk...@sobac.com>          Phone: +1-519-635-9413
SOBAC Microcomputer Services             http://sobac.com/sobac/
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