I have some time on my hands. :(

   I am doing some website updates, including some Linux install instructions I 
have posted.  I have an old 32_bit laptop here which is now a playtoy upon 
which I can install anything I want.  I have just installed Ubuntu, minus all 
the customization I normally do.  Ubuntu's default install is to place root and 
/home all on the same partition.  My default behaviour is to separate them.  I 
want to be able to blow away the operating system and install something else, 
without disturbing /home.  I want to post notes to non-technical new users, and 
make things as simple as possible.  

   What do all of you out there think of separate /home partions.  Necessary?  
Not necessary? 

   Installing a new OS on a Ubuntu box means backing up and recovering /home.  
How reliably upgradable is Ubuntu?  

Howard Gibson 
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