On Mon, Sep 17, 2018, 11:37 AM Dhaval Giani <dhaval.gi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 3:11 AM Russell Reiter <rreite...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Sun, Sep 16, 2018, 11:52 PM Dhaval Giani via talk <talk@gtalug.org>
>> wrote:
>>> https://lwn.net/Articles/764901/
>>> ...
>>> To tie this all back to the actual 4.19-rc4 release (no, really, this
>>>> _is_ related!) I actually think that 4.19 is looking fairly good,
>>>> things have gotten to the "calm" period of the release cycle, and I've
>>>> talked to Greg to ask him if he'd mind finishing up 4.19 for me, so
>>>> that I can take a break, and try to at least fix my own behavior.
>>> ...
>>> Jono Bacon's comments on it,
>>> https://www.jonobacon.com/2018/09/16/linus-his-apology-and-why-we-should-support-him/
>>> ----
>>> Another interesting article that I read over the past few days was a
>>> Python keynote talk,
>>> https://snarky.ca/setting-expectations-for-open-source-participation/
>>> ----
>>> On a more personal note, I have seen "hostile" behavior on many mailing
>>> lists, which has led me from withdrawing from participating on them.
>>> We tend to attack developers without thinking of the impact on them.
>>> This list is an example of attacks on systemd. While Lennart doesn't
>>> read this list personally, I do know of the impact systemd criticism has
>>> had on him. He has shared recordings of death threats because of systemd. I
>>> think, we can all agree that, systemd, or pulseaudio did not make linux
>>> worse, at least enough to justify death threats.
>>> They haven't even made it bad enough to justify the constant attacks on
>>> the software.
>>> Remember, if you have a better idea, you have the _freedom_ to implement
>>> it. You, however, do not have the freedom to expect them to drop what they
>>> want to do, to fix your problems, and when they don't want to, be subject
>>> to attacks from you.
>>> ----
>>> I do hope, Linus taking some time off will make things better for him,
>>> and by extension Linux.
>> The Poettering hit man story is four years old. It didn't stop him from
>> his own rant, they are after all just words.
> They are just words for you. But you ignore a phone call from an unknown
> number. And then you listen to voicemail, and it a voicemail threatening to
> kill you because of systemd, at that point in time, it has stopped being
> mere words. Yes, 4 yrs old. Has it stopped having impact? No.
>> https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.zdnet.com/google-amp/article/lennart-poetterings-linus-torvalds-rant/
>> "Open Source community is full of a******s, and I probably more than most
>> others am one of their most favourite targets. I get hate mail for hacking
>> on Open Source. People have started multiple 'petitions' on petition web
>> sites, asking me to stop working (google for it). Recently, people started
>> collecting Bitcoins to hire a hitman for me (this really happened!). Just
>> the other day, some idiot posted a 'song' on YouTube, a creepy work, filled
>> with expletives about me and suggestions of violence. People post websites
>> about boycotting my projects, containing pretty personal attacks."
>> Also on a personal note, you contacted me offlist to chastize me about
>> some trivial comment I made about pulseaudio and at least one other person
>> has named you pubically on this list for the same type of conduct.
> I apologize for that.

Apology accepted and my own is offered up to you in return, for my own
insensitivities in posting. Sometimes I forget the first rule of digial
comment sensibility, wait and think before you hit send.

>> Now you make this post as a maintainership note about why you leave
>> hostile lists. What exactly do you define as hostile behaviour? I'd define
>> it as being trolled offlist by someone who harvested my email and decided
>> they had the right to contact me, just because they could.
>> Systemd is a thing. Writing publically about a thing, even in criticism,
>> even if you use words you can't say on TV, is so far removed from your own
>> private ad hominem remarks offlist that I am raising your poor conduct, to
>> remind you; just because you post a couple of true facts, that doesn't
>> authenticate a third postulate you have formulated as some sort of
>> gratification index.
> I am just going to ignore the last bit. I bring up systemd, because it is
> quite a bit my baby as well. I take every attack on it personally (rightly
> or wrongly, and that is my problem, not _yours, as you have quite pointed
> out later on in your email). Which quite brings to my point, you have folks
> who are directly impacted by your words. Am I right in defending my baby?
> Am I right in getting defensive about it? Am I right in not being able to
> separate out the project from the person? These are all personal questions.
> All that matters is, everything people say, has an impact, and a result.
> You might call it illogical (in your opinion), but it has happened. There
> have been times where I felt I could participate in discussions and talk
> about it.
> Spectre/Meltdown was one such. I talked about the importance of it, and it
> was immediately shot down as corporate conspiracy. Of course, we are still
> dealing with the fallout. What is my relation with this? For the last many
> months, I have been part of the response force for my employer to deal with
> the intel flaws. But feeling (note the word) attacked, doesn't make me feel
> inclined to share. Certainly not my loss.
>  I'm not exactly sure what it is that you maintain
> I don't actively maintain anything right now. I took time off for mental
> health reasons. Part of it is physiological, but a lot of was exacerbated
> by working in open source. That is a different story, and not the topic of
> this email. If you want, ping me offlist, and I will send you a more
> detailed email.

Stress is one of the most enduring problems in the modern corporste world.
Sorry if I have added to your own at this time. I do appreciate the fact
that it takes a particular kind of fortitude to continue to participate
under such adverse conditions and I hope you understand my regret is

>> but I think both Lennart and Linus can look after their own issues
>> without your or anyone else this lists intervention.
> Of course they can. And once again, it is not a question of your, or my
> intervention. It is a question of communication. Do your (trivial) words
> have an impact? Are they going to have a positive impact? Are they going to
> benefit the community?
> If there is something I am starting to believe this week, it is this. Open
> source is a great model for development. It is a horrible model for humans
> though. We have this project which is developed for free (in the monetary
> sense), in the open, (ideally) in collaboration with the world. But all you
> are getting is negative feedback in return. I cannot think of a single
> model, where that is a success story.

We all learn from our own and each others mistakes.

>> Free speech is a cornerstone of progressive thinking, feel free to ignore
>> this post.
> It is the greatest power out there, and always remember the spiderman law
> when this is the case. With great power comes great responsibility. Use
> your free speech responsibly.

Not really a big reader of comics myself, but think I get what you are

> Dhaval
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