Can someone explain the rules about private contacts  without permission?
It seems those on moderation are simply trying to force their case privately.

On Thu, 14 Mar 2019, ted leslie wrote:

I got booted (life time) as you may know. I found your posts
in the archive.
First, I am NOT trying to get back into the TLUG, i have been in for 19
years or so
and for reasons not related to today, it is not an issue to be out of it.

I first would like to state that i used the word "snowflake gen",
and to, I believe everyone, "gen" is a abbrv for generation, i.e. gen-x
intel next gen chip, etc, gen is NOT abbrev for gender, and Alex took it
that way.
To the degree SFG is really a derogative term? it wasn't 2 years ago.
I grew up in the 80's, the decade of the hair-band when we were all
supposed to be
screwed .. i was paraphrasing but the worst I can be accused of is
generation degrading!
I have blond hair, I have to hear "blond jokes" :)

What Alex doesn't understand is that , as JBP preaches, its
equality of opportunity for the genders, not equality of outcome, equality
of outcome is
insane. 50/50 army soldiers, 50/50 nurses, 50/50 ditch-diggers, ?????

I don't even have a problem IN TIME if education see 100% female
participants, if
nature, evolution or creation thinking see it that way over a reasonable
period of time,
but in 15 years? I like Ted Turner, don't believe men should be heads of
state, its mean,
but it will save a load of lives!
The society quake of such a quick shift, and relating to topic of
employment, and disruption
in trades and in general the world, is enormous.
The thinking which is not mentioned as often, is the guy who drove the van
and killed
people, who wrote he was avoided (or some such thing) by women, and he
nihilistic .. disruptive society bring that, if in 15-30 years there is
80/20 split of F/M, that would
spell out the nihilist male (many) from daily repeating that terror, day in
and day out,
its a major imbalance of society. As JBP says, "that's not good"!

JBP has a lot to say about it, and I can't do it justice but I am making it
a point to try (in life)
He was villified by _some_ womans groups early on in 2017, now he gets
invited to speak to
them in his same positive manner, because woman do not want equality of
they want equality of opportunity, and there is a night and day difference.
And no one wants a disrupted society that is going against the grain, to
cause a
bunch of nihilistic males, who can't adapt to that change sanely.

I am glad this topic of discussion carried on a bit in this way for reasons
that may become apparent at some later time.
If anyone gets a chance to talk to Alex, please tell him:
1) gen= generation. (obviously)
2) his slander of me, do to that, did go to the archives, so if my name is
googled this comes up, i told him to remove it or allow two sided of the
story. Why do I want to sue tlug/alex? i don't but he has to choose one or
the other. He removes, fine, he allows me to submit a brief my side
of story, and JBP gets some more followers and the world will be a bit
better for it :) I have a felling Alex is not for debates and exchange of
info, so hopefully he just drops the whole thing

The topic went off topic, but I think my Harper comments were right on at
least what was still being discussed. Outsourcing to India is a sore topic,
a 80/20 split in 15 years, much sorer topic for employment for many, and
many other things. It would appear my current JBP "mandate" had me all to
happily segway onto that second section of my email, to my sincere apology,
more for the off-topic, and less so for the gen!=gender issue , which you
can pass on to Alex or board if you have chance. [but again have no
interest to return to the board, I don't blame him for jumping, I do blame
him for not wanting to at least discuss, even a bit] And there are some
who emailed me after that did also argue the case to Alex, and I certainly
didn't ask them to do that, so good on them.

And apologies if this is an interruption, or a read, that you don't get
that 100 seconds back in your life. Now I have to get back to doing my JBP
home work , and finish reading Gulag Archipelago :)   (argh, but I am
But seriously, I am grateful the conversation did carry on, at least a
little bit by y'all.


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