On Mon, Aug 12, 2019 at 09:20:48PM -0400, D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk wrote:
> | I see the building occupies the entire block. Is the entrance we use in 
> | fact on the Church St side of the building?
> Yes.  There is an entrance in the middle of the Church Street side and
> one at the north-west corner of the building.

OK, thanks. I'm sure it's perfectly simple but I didn't want to leave it to 

> People have stopped bothering to discuss (too bad).  Some people go to
> Kabul Express (North side of Dundas, just east of Church.
> <https://wiki.gtalug.org/pre-meeting_dinner#kabul_express>

Good to know, thanks.

> | Somewhat off topic, but does the stretch of College St just west of 
> | Spadina still have several computer shops?

> There are a few.  Not as many as there used to be.  I don't shop there
> very often.  

More often than me, I'd bet :-)

> Canada Computers is there, twice (but you have closer ones).

That's a good point. Maybe something to incorporate into a fuel or lunch stop 
along the way.

> Tech Depot (for off-lease stuff and other fascinating junk).

Now that's what I'm talking about!

> The U of T Bookstore has a not-so-great computer store within it.
> The book store is on the North West corner of St. George and College.
> There are surely others but I'm not up to date on them.

I appreciate the pointers all the same. I haven't been in the GTA since FSOSS a 
few years ago and even then didn't make it downtown.

(The bookstore mention is a bonus, especially since that is also a traveling 
retail therapy weakness but it seemed too off topic to ask after.)

D. Joe

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