The other option is to write your software so that it gets notified when a USB device is installed/removed. You will be told the actual device name. I needed to do this to detect insertion/removal of a barcode reader.

Looking at the actual code it is setting a default value of /dev/ttyUSB0.
It should not be defaulting when you try to set it in the call but it may be interesting to set the default to /dev/null so that it will not do something that may be reasonable part of the time.

When you say that you cannot get anything but /dev/ttyUSB0 to work it makes me ask is there a problem that is causing the default to always be taken.

Forcibly breaking things can be a useful tool.

Thanks very much for looking at the code. I believe I found my culprit. I had another daemon running in the background for a lighting program that was trying to get a lock on /dev/ttyUSB1 . If I stop that daemon loading /dev/ttyUSB1 will now work for me. I'm going to reconfigure that daemon to leave the serial ports alone since I am not using that feature of the lighting program. Thanks again to everyone who helped me with this. In the process I also set up a udev rule so I can now just load my serial port as /dev/motor and let udev create the symlinks .



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