My understanding is that Canonical maintains two branches of releases. The even 
numbers are the LTS releases, the odd are the other ones (I'm not sure what 
they call them). When you're on a LTS version, do-release-upgrade will by 
default only look for a newer LTS versions. Similarly, when you're on an odd 
version, do-release-upgrade will only look for another odd numbered version. 
You can override this behavior, though. I recall seeing some instructions for 
doing this through the GUI in the 20.04 release announcement a few weeks ago.

A quick internet search seems to indicate that to upgrade from 19.10 to 20.04, 
you can run `update-manager -d`. The man pages indicate that 
`do-release-upgrade` has the same flag. I've always run the LTS versions, so 
I've never personally done this. So, there may be nuances that I don't 
understand. In any case, you should do a bit of research before executing a 
shell command that some random person posted to a mailing list.

Hope this helps.

> On May 2, 2020 10:43 AM D. Hugh Redelmeier via talk <> wrote:
> I have an Ubuntu 19.10 system (I'm typing on it now).
> I want to upgrade it to 20.04 (released over a week ago).
>  $ sudo do-release-upgrade
>  Checking for a new Ubuntu release
>  No new release found.
> The Ubuntu Software's GUI Software Updater also sees nothing.
> A Quick look at the /etc/apt/sources.list suggests that I'm using 
> Does anyone know why I don't see 20.04?
> Odd observation: Software Update said that there were no updates.  But as 
> I typed this message, with no button pushing by me, has changed its mind 
> and decided that there is now an Nvidia driver settings update.
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