On Sun, 10 May 2020 17:30:17 -0400 (EDT)
Karen Lewellen via talk <talk@gtalug.org> wrote:

> Mr. Russell,
> May I ask a side question here?
> On a couple of other lists to which I belong, one of which involves the 
> development of the freedos project, there were questions about how a USB 
> to serial  adapter manages the communications  associated, by which a mean 
> port definitions that a serial port used to use.
> If one  is trying to access a device connected with a USB to serial 
> adapter,  what port does  USB use?
> for example if the program would talk to a serial device on com 4, how 
> would you  achieve the same  goal  via a USB to serial adapter?
> thanks,
> Kare


   I still have an external modem on my desktop which I access through
a USB to serial converter, very, very occasionally.

   To set up the serial modem, I installed and run wvdial...

$ sudo dnf -y install wvdial  
$ sudo wvdialconf /etc/create 

   On my desktop, the modem is at /dev/ttyUSB0.  

Howard Gibson 
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